Sneakers or plimsoll shoe are the shoes not only comfortable, but also liked by many modern people. Both men and women prefer this type of footwear. Sneakers have a thick sole made of elastic materials - usually of vulcanized rubber and lace-up canvas or leather top.

The history
Initially the sneakers were created for the sports trainings. In some countries their is called “Keds” – by the name of the trademark, which was launched in 1916 by U.S. Rubber american manufacturing company. Already in 1917 Marquis Converse an american entrepreneur created a line of shoes for basketbal with an eponymous brand called Converse. In 1915 the the bulk of prfessional players from NBA (National Basketball Association) trained in these gymnastic shoes.

Today Converse brandi s the most famous of the world. Well… the Sneakers by athletic shoes have become an everyday element of our wardrobe.
Currently the types, the forms, the colors and the materials of sneakers are different. The stylists have made so wide range of this shoes so you can wear the Sneakers almost in any occasion. They are ideal for sport, for walking, for working, or also be worn at a party. It’s offered to customers a wide variety of forms, dimensions, colors, for any season: sneakers with plateau – the high sole, sneakers with wedge heels, with strass, in genuine leather with fantasy printing.

The high sneakers are current a long time. Are used by teenagers and girls. This shoes type is well suited for wearing with miniskirts, with shorts o leggings. You will do even more shot if you add to your image the long socks together with sneakers!
The self- confident woman can put the plimsoll shoes also with a dress.

In winter it is best to match the sneakers with jeans or with stretch pants and maxi jersey or tracksuit with hood. Alternatively you can use padded or lined sneakers so as not to feel cold. The gym winter high shoes can be wear with a short vest or a down jacket. Do not forget to put a flashy scarf and a cap with pom-pom: so you can consider your complete look.

The person at any age wear the low sneakers, these shoes have the multiple advantages. Do you want to be elegant and especial? So put the low plimsoll shoes with a wide skirt. This is a spring look for occasions when you want to appear unique and special.

Of course le low sneakers will make fantastic effect with jeans or pants. You can combine this look with a wite shirt or with a creative T-shirts.